Function adas.run_adas404

def run_adas404(root=None, year=None, prefix=None, adf11types=['acd', 'scd'], iz0=None, zlow=None, zhigh=None, resolved=False, te=None, dens=None, logfile=None, files=None)

Runs the ADAS404 adf10->adf11 file generator code.


root : str
directory of adf10 files
year : int
year of adf10 data
prefix : str
prefix of adf10 set (usually 'pj' but must be set)
adf11types : str, list
the required adf11 classes to be produced
      'acd' : recombination
      'scd' : ionisation
      'qcd' : metastable cross coupling
      'xcd' : parent cross coupling
      'ccd' : charge exchange recomb.
      'prb' : recomb. + bremss. power
      'plt' : total line power
      'prc' : charge exchange power
iz0 : int
atomic number
zlow : int
lowest Z required in adf11 file (0=neutral)
zhigh : int
highest Z required in adf11 file
resolved : bool
if True generate a metastable-resolved adf11 file the default is False
te : float, array
requested electron temperatures (eV)
dens : float, array
requested electron densities (cm-3)
logfile : str
name of log file, defaults to no output file
files : str array
the set of adf10 file name templates may be supplied as a numpy string array of dimension (zhigh - zlow + 2, 10)


nothing - the output is file written to disk


Calls a fortran executable code and communicates via a bi-directional pipe connected to stdout.

A set of adf10 template filenames can be generated from a call to adas404_get_adf10. The fortran code expects names such as pj#acd96_be##.dat where the ## will be peplace by the appropriate ground and parent indices.


ADAS manual description of adas404:

Version History

  • Martin O'Mullane, 21-04-2021
    • First version


Produce 96 style GCR files for carbon over a different Te/dens range

>>> import adas as adas
>>> import numpy as np
>>> te = np.geomspace(1.0, 1e4, 10)
>>> dens = np.geomspace(1.0e10, 1.0e22, 6)
>>> adas.run_adas404(root='/home/adas/adas/adf10/', year=96,
                     prefix='pj', adf11types=['acd', 'prb'],
                     iz0=6, zlow=0, zhigh=5,
                     te=te, dens=dens)

acd404.pass and prb404.pass will be written to the directory the routine was called from.