Function adas.cfg_numlev

def cfg_numlev(config, iz0, iz, return_numterm=False)

Returns the number of J-resolved levels and optionally LS terms in a configuration.


config : str
Configuration in standard or Eissner form.
iz0 : int
Atomic number.
iz : int
Charge of ion (0 is neutral).
return_numterm : bool
If True also return the number of terms.


num_level : int
number of J-resolved levels.
num_term : int
number of LS terms if return_numterm is True.


Based on IDL routine

Two helper routines are included, _h8nlev_numj : number of J-values in a term _h8nlev_addm : vector addition of two terms

Version History

  • Martin O'Mullane, 14-03-2023
    • First version


Consider the 2P6 3S2 3P4 3D3 configuration of Cu10+

>>> import adas as adas
>>> adas.cfg_numlev('2P6 3S2 3P4 3D3', 29, 10, return_numterm=True)
(261, 98)