Function adas.continuo

def continuo(wave, tev, iz0, iz1)

Calculates continuum emission at a requested wavelength and temperature for any ionisation stage of an arbitrary element.


wave : float
requested wavelength (Angstrom). Can be an array.
tev : float
requested electron temperature (eV). Can be an array.
iz0 : int
atomic number of element.
iz1 : int
recombining ionisation stage.


contff : float
free-free emissivity (ph cm3 s-1 A-1) dimensioned by wave, tev
contin : float
total (free-free + free-bound) emissivity (ph cm3 s-1 A-1) dimensioned by wave, tev


The ionization stage is identified by iz1 the recombining charge state so iz1=1 for Z+ recombining to the neutral Z0.

If wave and/or tev are scalars the dimension of the returned quantities is adjusted appropriately.

Version History

  • Martin O'Mullane, 16-06-2016
    • First version


H+ recombining to neutral at 5235A and 5eV.

>>> import adas as adas
>>> adas.continuo(5235.0, 5.0, 1, 1)
(array(6.89764302e-18), array(9.50935929e-18))  

Bremsstrahlung of C4+ recombining to C3+ at 6500A for a range of temperatures.

>>> ff, total = adas.continuo(6500.0, [1.0, 10.0, 20.0, 100.0], 6, 4)
>>> print(ff)
[3.74381454e-17 8.12001340e-17 7.23818410e-17 5.20422631e-17]