Function adas.cxsqef

def cxsqef(file=None, ibsel=0, epro=[0], ttar=[0], em1=0.0, em2=0.0, iord=1, ti=[0], densi=[0], zeff=[0], bmag=[0])

Return the CX effective emission coefficient from an adf12 file. A modified rate where one reactant is mono-energetic and the other Maxwellian can be calculated.


file : str
full name of ADAS adf01 file
ibsel : int
selected block
epro : float, array
requested incident particle energies (eV/amu)
ttar : float, array
Maxwell temperature of target particles (eV). If less than 0, rates for T=0 are returned.
em1 : float
atomic mass number of first particle
em2 : float
atomic mass number of second particle
iord : int
flag indicating which particle (1 or 2) is incident and mono-energetic.
ti : float, array
plasma ion temperature (eV).
deni : float, array
plasma ion density (cm-3).
zeff : float, array
effective charge of plasma
bmag : float, array
local magnetic field (T)


ener : float, array
set of energies (ev/amu) for selected source data
qener : float, array
rate coefficient (ph cm3 s-1)for ibsel. 1st dimension: energy index adf12 2nd dimension: energy index in epro
qeff : float, array
effective rate coefficient (ph cm3 s-1)


read_adf12 may be more suitable for the typical case of interpolating the effective CX emission coefficient for a beam into a plasma.

Calls a fortran based shared object file - not pure python.

Version History

  • Martin O'Mullane, 15-12-2012
    • First version


>>> import adas as adas
>>> import numpy as np
>>> file = '/home/adas/adas/adf12/qef93#h/qef93#h_c6.dat'
>>> ti   = np.geomspace(100, 20e3, 20)
>>> deni = np.geomspace(1e11, 1e14, 20)
>>> epro = np.zeros(20) + 50e3
>>> ttar = np.zeros(20)
>>> zeff = np.zeros(20) + 1.0
>>> bmag = np.zeros(20) + 3.0
>>> ener, qener, qeff = adas.cxsqef(file=file, ibsel=5, epro=epro,ttar=ttar, ti=ti,
...                                 densi=deni, zeff=zeff, bmag=bmag)
>>> qeff[0:20:4]                                                            
array([1.94805095e-08, 1.98751401e-08, 1.96859416e-08, 1.87098229e-08,