Function adas.metastable

def metastable(seq=None)

Return the


seq : str
Isoelectronic sequence ('H' to 'Fe') with 'FS' for fully stripped ions.


config : str, array
configurations of the metastables for the isoelectronic sequence
term : str, array
LS terms of the metastables for the isoelectronic sequence
spin : int, array
possible spin systems for the isoelectronic sequence
levels : dict
term ('LS_vals') and J values ('J_vals') for the metastables of the sequence


The set of metastables is fixed and was determined from the light element GCR analysis. Therefore a returned config/term/level may or may not be metastable. For the J-resolved levels the ordering is according to the terms from which they are derived, and therefore does not consider possible level crossings. These concerns apply to higher Z elements.

Version History

  • Martin O'Mullane, 07-10-2020
    • First version


>>> import adas as adas
>>> cfg, term, spin, levels = adas.metastable('be')
>>> cfg
['1s2 2s2', '1s2 2s1 2p1']
>>> term
['1S', '3P']
>>> levels
{'LS_vals': array(['1S', '3P', '3P', '3P'], dtype='<U2'),
 'J_vals': array([0., 0., 1., 2.])}