Function adas.ngffmh

def ngffmh(gam2)

Evaluates electron temperature and frequency averaged hydrogenic free-free Gaunt factor.


gam2 : float, array
iz**2 * IH / te, where IH is ionisation potential of hydrogen, te the electron temperature and iz is the charge state.


gff : float, array
free-free Gaunt factor (dimensionless)


IH=13.6eV for te in eV or 157894.0 for te in Kelvin.

Calls a fortran based shared object file - not pure python.

Version History

  • Martin O'Mullane, 22-09-2019
    • First version


The A-value for the neutral hydrogen transition: (n=8,l=6) to (n=6,l=5)

>>> import adas as adas
>>> import numpy as np
>>> iz=12
>>> adas.ngffmh(iz**2 * 13.6 / np.geomspace(10, 500, 4))
array([1.12915041, 1.17153672, 1.25533646, 1.36387602])