Function adas.r8giii

def r8giii(jz, l, e1, e2)

Evaluates the Maxwell averaged free-free Gaunt factor.


jz : int
Switch to set neutral atom (zero charge) case (jz=0), otherwise it is ignored.
l : int
For partial sums set l to lower limit of summation which must be greater than zero. Otherwise set l=1.
e1 : float
Set to kappa_12 for non-zero charge and k_12 for neutral.
e2 : float
Set to kappa_22 for non-zero charge and k_22 for neutral.


giii : float
free-free generalized Gaunt factor (dimensionless)


kappa is the scaled electron wave number.

Calls a fortran based shared object file - not pure python.


Evaluates GIII from equations 11 and 15 of: A. Burgess, 'Coulomb integrals: tables and sum rules', J. Phys. B, 7, L364 (1974)

Version History

  • Martin O'Mullane, 22-09-2020
    • First version


For a wavelength of 3500A in a plasma with Zeff=2.5 at 450eV, the Maxwell averaged free-free Gaunt factor

>>> import adas as adas
>>> adas.r8giii(1, 1, 12.8, 14.9)