Function adas.read_adf07

def read_adf07(file=None, block=1, te=[0.0], unit_te='ev', return_info=False)

Interpolate/extrapolate ionization rate coefficients from adf07 (SZD) files.


file : str full name of ADAS adf07 file

block : int selected block

te : float, array requested electron temperatures (eV)

return_info : bool If True also return a dictionary of information on the transition. The default is False.


coeff : float, array ionisation rate coefficient (cm3 s-1)

info : dict information from header line of the selected block in adf07 file

     'i_ion'  : initial ion <el>+z
     'f_ion'  : final ion <el>+z
     'i_met'  : initial metastable
     'f_met'  : final metastable
     'ip'     : ionisation potential


Calls a fortran based shared object file - not pure python.


ADAS manual description of adf07:

Version history

  • Martin O'Mullane, 10-08-2018

    • First version
  • Martin O'Mullane, 19-08-2022

    • Make returning the info dictionary optional.


Extract the rate coefficient for Si5+ -> Si6+.

import adas as adas import numpy as np file='/home/adas/adas/adf07/cadw/ca09_si.dat' te=np.geomspace(10, 100.0, 4) adas.read_adf07(file=file, block=6, te=te) array([1.63916634e-18, 1.71784434e-13, 3.72099171e-11, 5.02529577e-10]) coeff, info=adas.read_adf07(file=file, block=6, te=te, return_info=True) coeff array([1.63916634e-18, 1.71784434e-13, 3.72099171e-11, 5.02529577e-10]) info