Function adas.read_adf11

def read_adf11(file=None, adf11type='xxx', is1=0, index_1=-1, index_2=-1, te=[0.0], dens=[0.0], all=False, skipzero=False, unit_te='ev')

Interpolate/extrapolate source or power coefficients from adf11 files.


file : str
full name of ADAS adf11 file
adf11type : str, optional
type of adf11 file ('acd'/'scd' etc. see notes for full list)
te : float, array
requested electron temperatures (eV)
dens : float, array
requested electron densities (cm**-3)
is1 : int
recombining ion stage
index_1 : int
partition identifier for metastable resolved adf11 files (see notes)
index_2 : int
partition identifier for metastable resolved adf11 files (see notes)
all : bool
if True return a 2D array, default is False with returned coefficient give for each te/dens pair
unit_te : str, optional
defaults to 'ev' but 'k' interprets the requested temperature are given in Kelvin units
skipzero : bool
if True exclude zero/effective zero values when splining, default is False


coeff : float, array
rate coefficient (cm3 s-1) or power coefficient (W cm**3) as a 1D or 2D array depending on all.


Calls a fortran based shared object file - not pure python.

The partition information differs according to the adf11 type and has also evolved over time. User index_1 and index_2 to choose with thei routine but the names in the adf11 are as detailed in the following table.

    adf11     old names              new names
             (index_1 index_2)      (index_1 index_2
    ----       ----     ----         ----     ----
    acd        iprt     igrd         ispp     ispb
    scd        iprt     igrd         ispp     ispb
    ccd        iprt     igrd         ispp     ispb
    prb        iprt                  ispp
    prc        iprt                  ispp
    qcd        igrd     jgrd         ispb     jspb
    xcd        iprt     jprt         ispp     jspp
    plt        igrd                  ispb
    pls        igrd                  ispb
    zcd        igrd                  ispb
    ycd        igrd                  ispb
    ecd        igrd                  ispb

In partitioned nomenclature: s=superstage; p=partition; b=base (current superstage), p=parent (next up super-stage), c=child (next down superstage). Thus arrays 'iprtr' and 'igrd' in old notation are now substituted by 'isppr' and 'ispbr' respectively.

Note that index_1 (and index_2) only need to be specified when the adf11 dataset is resolved by metastable, also referred to as partial adf11 data.


ADAS manual description of adf11:

Version History

  • Martin O'Mullane, 31-10-2013

    • First version
  • Martin O'Mullane, 06-10-2017

    • Add skipzero option
  • Martin O'Mullane, 19-04-2021

    • Pass file name as an array of (132) bytes


Extract the rate coefficient for Ne4+ -> Ne3+ unresolved recombination.

>>> import adas as adas
>>> import numpy as np
>>> file='/home/adas/adas/adf11/acd96/acd96_ne.dat'
>>> te=np.geomspace(1, 100.0, 4)
>>> dens=[1e10, 1e14]
>>> adas.read_adf11(file=file, adf11type='acd', is1=4, te=te, dens=dens, all=True)
array([[2.44762641e-11, 7.21333513e-11],
       [8.62383321e-12, 9.04896722e-12],
       [1.13316134e-11, 4.60749556e-12],
       [4.70086132e-12, 1.99696234e-12]])

and the ionization rate coefficient for Ne3+(mer=2) -> Ne4+(ground)

>>> file='/home/adas/adas/adf11/scd96r/scd96r_ne.dat'
>>> dens=np.zeros(4)+1e13
>>> adas.read_adf11(file=file, adf11type='scd', is1=4, index_1=2, index_2=1, te=te, dens=dens)
array([1.56187468e-58, 1.30469528e-25, 2.68347360e-18, 5.60105714e-17])