Function adas.read_adf12

def read_adf12(file=None, block=1, ein=[0.0], tion=[0.0], dion=[0.0], zeff=[0.0], bmag=[0.0])

Interpolate/extrapolate CX effective emissivity coefficients (QEF) from adf12 files.


file : str
full name of ADAS adf12 file
block : int
selected block
ein : float, array
requested beam energies (eV/amu)
tion : float, array
requested ion temperatures (eV)
dion : float, array
requested ion densities (cm**-3)
zeff : float, array
requested effective charge of plasma (dimensionless)
bmag : float, array
local magnetic field (T)


coeff : float, array
QEF coefficient (ph cm3 s-1)


Either all of ein/tion/dion/zeff/bmag have the same length or just one is allowed to be a 1D vector. In this case the others are kept constant.

The local magnetic field is not used and has one value in the adf12 files.

Calls a fortran based shared object file - not pure python.

Repeated calls using the same adf12 file will not re-open the file within the fortran module. If the content changes between calls, this may be unexpected behaviour.


ADAS manual description of adf12:

Version History

  • Martin O'Mullane, 20-08-2012

    • First version
  • Martin O'Mullane, 09-01-2023

    • Add docstring warning about repeated calls with the same file name.


C6+ 8-7 transition over beam energies of 1-100keV/amu in a fixed plasma of 2keV/6e13cm-3/Zeff=1.2. B is set as 3.0 but there is no variation with magnetic field in the model.

>>> import adas as adas
>>> file='/home/adas/adas/adf12/qef93#h/qef93#h_c6.dat'
>>> ein=np.geomspace(1e3, 100.0e3, 4)
>>> tion=2.0e3
>>> dion=6.0e13
>>> zeff=1.2
>>> bmag=3.0
>>> adas.read_adf12(file=file, block=5, ein=ein, tion=tion,
...                 dion=dion, zeff=zeff, bmag=bmag)
array([1.08254333e-11, 5.53714396e-11, 1.69076202e-09, 6.60442398e-09])