Function adas.read_adf24

def read_adf24(file=None, block=1, energy=[0.0], return_info=False)

Interpolate/extrapolate charge exchange cross section data from adf24 files.


file : str
full names of ADAS adf24 file
block : int
selected block
energy : float, array
energies requested (eV/amu)
return_info : bool
If True also return a dictionary of information on the peocess. The default is False.


sigma : float, array
cross section (cm**2).
info : dict
information from header line of the selected block in adf24 file
'donor'    : donor species
'receiver' : receiver species


Calls a fortran based shared object file - not pure python.


ADAS manual description of adf24:

Version History

  • Martin O'Mullane, 11-05-2020

    • First version
  • Martin O'Mullane, 24-03-2023

    • Make returning the info dictionary optional.


H+0(gnd) + N5+(4p)

>>> import numpy as np
>>> import adas as adas
>>> file='/home/adas/adas/adf24/scx#h0/scx#h0_liu12#n5.dat'
>>> energy=np.geomspace(1e3, 100.0e3, 4)
>>> sigma = adas.read_adf24(file=file,energy=energy,block=6)
>>> sigma
array([5.68759619e-16, 3.47913358e-16, 1.38480592e-16, 1.12036548e-17])
>>> sigma, info = adas.read_adf24(file=file,energy=energy,block=6, return_info=True)
>>> info
{'donor': 'H + 0 (1)', 'receiver': 'N + 5 (1)'}