Function adas.write_adf11

def write_adf11(file=None, fulldata=None, comments=None, project='Unknown')

Write an adf11 source/power coefficient file from a user supplied fulldata dictionary.


file : str
full name of adf11 file.
fulldata : dict
contents of the adf11 file
    'iz0'       : nuclear charge
    'class'     : One of 'acd','scd','ccd','prb','prc',
    'is1min'    : minimum ion charge + 1
                  (generalised to connection vector index)
    'is1max'    : maximum ion charge + 1
                  (note excludes the bare nucleus)
                  (generalised to connection vector index
                   and excludes last one which always remains
                   the bare nucleus)
    'icnctv'    : connection vector of number of partitions
                  of each superstage in resolved case
                  including the bare nucleus
                  1st dim: connection vector index
    'dnr_elem'  : donor element name (for ccd and prc)
    'dnr_ams'   : donor element mass (for ccd and prc)
    'isppr'     : 1st (parent) index for each partition block
                  1st dim: index of (sstage, parent, base)
                           block in isonuclear master file
    'ispbr'     : 2nd (base) index for each partition block
                  1st dim: index of (sstage, parent, base)
                           block in isonuclear master file
    'isstgr'    : s1 for each resolved data block
                  (generalises to connection vector index)
                  1st dim: index of (sstage, parent, base)
                           block in isonuclear master file
    'idmax'     : number of density values in isonuclear master file
    'itmax'     : number of temperature  values in isonuclear master file
    'ddens'     : log10(electron density) (cm-3) from adf11
    'dtev'      : log10(electron temperature) (eV) from adf11
    'deng'      : log10(energy bins) (eV) from adf11
    'drcof'     : if(iclass <=9):
                    log10(coll.-rad. coefft.) from isonuclear master file
                  if(iclass >=10):
                    coll.-rad. coefft. from isonuclear master file
                  1st dim: index of (sstage, parent, base)
                            block in isonuclear master file
                  2nd dim: electron temperature index
                  3rd dim: electron density index
    'lres'      : True  => partial file
                  False => not partial file
    'lptn'      : True  => partition block present
                  False => partition block not present
comments : list
comments for the end of the file as a list of strings.
project : str
project name. Default is 'Unknown'


Not all entries in the adf11 fulldata dictionary are required. Above are listed what is used by this routine depending on whether it is a standard or metastable-resolved adf1. lptn and lres are queried and suitable defaults are set if not present. dnr_elem and dnr_ams are only required for ccd and prc files.

adf11 files can be tagged with a project which is listed on the first line of the file. It is not obligatory.

Version History

  • Martin O'Mullane, 13-11-2019

    • First version
  • Martin O'Mullane, 28-11-2021

    • Adjust format statements due to change in array2strlist.
  • Martin O'Mullane, 17-10-2023

    • Write energy-resolved version if 'deng' is in fulldata.


Round trip of carbon ionisation rate.

>>> import adas as adas
>>> file='/home/adas/adas/adf11/scd96/scd96_c.dat'
>>> fulldata=adas.xxdata_11(file, adf11type='scd')
>>> my_comments=['Testing write_adf11', 'By me, today']
>>> my_project='A test project'
>>> my_file='/tmp/test_write_adf11.dat'
>>> adas.write_adf11(file=my_file, fulldata=fulldata, 
...                  comments=my_comments, project='my_project')