Function adas.write_adf15

def write_adf15(file=None, fulldata=None, wave=None, comments=None)

Write an adf15 photon emissivity coefficient file from a user supplied fulldata dictionary.


file : str
full name of adf15 file.
fulldata : dict
contents of the adf15 file
     'esym'    : element
     'iz0'     : atomic number
     'iz'      : ion charge
     'iz1'     : recombined ion charge
     'ndens'   : number of densities
     'nte'     :           temperatures
     'dens'    : densities
     'te'      : temperatures
     'ctype'   : driving process
     'cindm'   : metastable
     'wave'    : wavelength (A)
     'pec'     : photon emissivity coeffs.
comments : list, optional
comments for the end of the file as a list of strings.


Placeholder using old-style adf15 which will be updated to match the adas208 style output.


ADAS manual description of adf15:

Version History

  • Martin O'Mullane, 12-01-2022
    • First version


Round trip of Li+ file.

>>> import adas as adas
>>> file='/home/adas/adas/adf15/pec96#li/pec96#li_pju#li1.dat'
>>> fulldata=adas.xxdata_15(file)
>>> my_comments=['C Testing write_adf15', 'C By me, today']
>>> my_file='/tmp/test_write_adf15.dat'
>>> adas.write_adf15(file=my_file, fulldata=fulldata, comments=my_comments)