Function adas.write_adf37

def write_adf37(file=None, fulldata=None, comments=None)

Write an adf37 electron energy distribution file from a user supplied fulldata dictionary.


file : str
full name of adf37 file.
fulldata : dict
contents of the adf37 file
    'title'    :  header for file
    'icateg'   :  category of file
                    1 => superposition
                    2 => numerical
    'ieunit'   :  energy units of distribution function
                    1 => kelvin
                    2 => eV
    'nenerg'   :  type 1 => number of distribution families
                       2 => number of energy points
    'nblock'   :  type 1 => number of members in output family
                       2 => number of effective temperatures
    'nform1'   :  type of threshold behaviour
                    1 => cutoff
                    2 => energy^param1
    'nform2'   :  type of high-energy behaviour
                    1 => cutoff
                    2 => energy^(-param2[0])
                    3 => exp(-param2[0]*energy)
                    4 => exp(-param2[0]*energy^param2[1])
    'param1'   :  parameter of threshold form
    'param2'   :  parameter of high-energy form
    'ea'       :  energy points of tabulation
    'fa'       :  distribution function tabulation
comments : list
comments for the end of the file as a list of strings.


'ea' and 'fa' should be numpy arrays of floats. If only one nblock is present the shallow dimension need not be given. A 1D array of nenerg is sufficient. 'mode_eng', 'median_eng' and 'teff' are not required to write an adf37 file.

Version History

  • Martin O'Mullane, 23-07-2018

    • First version
  • Martin O'Mullane, 26-07-2018

    • Allow ea and fa to be 1D vectors.
  • Martin O'Mullane, 13-11-2019

    • Use adas writefile function to write the file.
  • Martin O'Mullane, 28-11-2021

    • Adjust format statements due to change in array2strlist.


EEDF for a Maxellian with Te=15eV.

>>> import adas as adas
>>> import numpy as np
>>> te=15.0
>>> energy=np.geomspace(0.1,50,100)
>>> eedf=2*np.sqrt(energy/np.pi)*(1/te)**1/5*np.exp(-energy/te)
>>> fulldata={'title' : "test Maxwellian", 'icateg' : 2, 'ieunit': 2,
... 'nenerg': 100, 'nblock': 1, 'nform1': 1, 'nform2': 3, 'param2': 1.0,
... 'ea' : energy, 'fa' : eedf}
>>> my_file='/tmp/test_write_adf37.dat'
>>> adas.write_adf37(file=my_file, fulldata=fulldata,
... comments=['Testing write_adf37', 'By me, today'])