Function adas.write_adf42

def write_adf42(file=None, fulldata=None, comments=None)

Write an adf42 driver file for adas810/adas8#10.


file : str
full name of adf12 file.
fulldata : dict
contents of the adf12 file
    'dsn04'   : str
                adf04 file for population analysis
    'dsn18'   : str
                adf18/a17_p208 expansion file
    'dsn35'   : str
                adf35 filter file for power data
    'dsn15'   : str
                adf15 file for traditional pec data
    'dsn40'   : str
                adf40 file for feature pec data
    'dsn11'   : str
                adf11 file for line power
    'dsn11f'  : str
                adf11 file for filtered line power
    'dsn11e'  : str
                adf11 file for energy-resolved line power
    'element' : str
                element symbol
    'z0'      : int
                nuclear charge
    'z1'      : int
                recombining ion charge
    'ip'      : float
                ionisation potential (cm-1) of lowest parent
    'lnorm'   : str
                '.TRUE.'  => identify and resolve metastables
                '.FALSE.' => do not resolve metastables
    'nmet'    : int
                number of metastables
    'imetr'   : int, array
                index of metastable in complete level list (ground=1)
    'liosel'  : str
                '.TRUE.' => include ionisation rates
                '.FALSE.' => do not include ionisation rates
    'lhsel'   : str
                '.TRUE.' => include charge transfer from neutral hydrogren.
                '.FALSE.' => do not include charge transfer from neutral hydrogren.
    'lrsel'   : str
                '.TRUE.' => include free electron  recombination.
                '.FALSE.' => do not include free electron recombination.
    'lisel'   : str
                '.TRUE.' => include electron impact ionisation.
                '.FALSE.' => do not include free electron recombination.
    'lnsel'   : str
                '.TRUE.'  => include projected bundle-n data from datafile
                '.FALSE.' => do not include projected bundle-n data
    'lpsel'   : str
                '.TRUE.'  => include proton collisions
                '.FALSE.' => do not include proton collisions
    'zeff'    : float
                Effective Z when proton collisions are included
    'lmetr'   : str
                '.TRUE.'  => identify and resolve metastables
                '.FALSE.' => do not resolve metastables
    'lbelowip': str
                '.TRUE.'  => exclude from PLT transition with
                             energy levels above ionization potential
                '.FALSE.' => include all transitions in adf04 file
    'ltscl'   : str
                '.TRUE.'  => input temperatures are z-scaled
                '.FALSE.' => input temperatures not z-scaled
    'ldscl'   : str
                '.TRUE.'  => input densities are z-scaled
                '.FALSE.' => input densities not z-scaled
    'lbrdi'   : str
                '.TRUE.'  => impose ion temperature broadening
                '.FALSE.' => input densities not z-scaled
    'amin'    : float
                Minimum A-value for adf15 and adf40 files
    'numte'   : int
                number of electron temperatures
    'numtion' : int
                number of ion/proton temperatures
    'numth'   : int
                number of neutral hydrogen temperatures
    'numdens' : int
                number of electron densities
    'numdion' : int
                number of ion densities
    'numwvl'  : int
                number of wavelength intervals for adf40
    'te'      : float, array
                electron temperature (K)
    'tion'    : float, array
                ion temperature (K)
    'th'      : float, array
                neutral hydrogen temperature (K)
    'dens'    : float, array
                electron density (cm**-3)
    'dion'    : float, array
                ion density (cm**-3)
    'npix'    : int, array
                number of pixels in wavelength interval
    'wvmin'   : float, array
                lower limit of wavelength interval (Angstrom)
    'wvmax'   : float, array
                upper limit of wavelength interval (Angstrom)
comments : list
comments for the end of the file as a list of strings.


Pure python implementation.


ADAS manual description of adf12:

Version History

  • Martin O'Mullane, 10-05-2021

    • First version
  • Martin O'Mullane, 28-11-2021

    • Adjust format statements due to change in array2strlist.
  • Martin O'Mullane, 30-01-2024

    • Fix example so that cut&paste works.
    • Add dsn11e for energy resolved adf11 output to &files namelist.
    • Add lbelowip field to &outputs namelist.


Make an adf42 driver file to generate C2+ PECs between 100-3000A.

>>> import adas as adas
>>> import numpy as np
>>> full42 = { 'dsn04'   : '/home/adas/adas/adf04/adas#6/mom97_ls#c2.dat',
>>>            'dsn15'   : 'c2_pec.dat',
>>>            'element' : 'C',
>>>            'z0'      : 6,
>>>            'z1'      : 2,
>>>            'ip'      : 386241.0,
>>>            'te'      : np.geomspace(1, 200, 8),
>>>            'tion'    : np.geomspace(1, 200, 8),
>>>            'dens'    : np.geomspace(1e8, 1e15, 4) }
>>> adas.write_adf42(file='c2_adf42.dat', fulldata=full42)