Function adas.xxdata_07

def xxdata_07(file=None)

Reads an adf07 ionization rate file and returns all of its contents in a dictionary.


file : str
full name of ADAS adf07 file


fulldata : dict
contents of the adf07 file
    'filename' :  adf07 filename
    'nblock'   :  number of ionisation rates in file
    'esym'     :  element Symbol
    'iz0'      :  nuclear charge
    'iz'       :  number of ionisation rates
    'iz1'      :  initial charge
                    int array(nblock)
    'cicode'   :  initial state metastable index
                    string array(nblock)
    'cfcode'   :  final state metastable index
                    string array(nblock)
    'ciion'    :  initial ion (as <esym>+(iz[nblock]> )
                     string array(nblock)
    'cfion'    :  final ion (as <esym>+(iz[nblock]> )
                     string array(nblock)
    'bwno'     :  effective ionization potential (cm-1)
                     float array(nblock)
    'nte'      :  number of temperatures in each block
                     float array(nblock)
    'te'       :  temperatures (eV)
                     float array(max(nte), nblock)
    'szd'      :  ionization rates (cm3 s-1)
                     float array(max(nte), nblock)


Calls a fortran based shared object file - not pure python.


ADAS manual description of adf07:

Version History

  • Martin O'Mullane, 10-08-2018
    • First version


Show the ionization rate of Li2+ -> Li3+, the second entry in the file.

>>> import adas as adas
>>> file='/home/adas/adas/adf07/szd02#li/szd02#li_li2.dat'
>>> fulldata = adas.xxdata_07(file)
>>> fulldata['te'][0:24:4,1]
    array([  1.35,   4.5 ,  18.  ,  63.  , 270.  , 900.  ])
>>> fulldata['szd'][0:24:4,1]
    array([4.457e-19, 6.151e-12, 1.540e-09, 6.092e-09, 8.005e-09, 6.640e-09])