Function adas.xxdata_10_p208

def xxdata_10_p208(file=None)

Reads a partial adf10 GCR file from an adas208 run and returns all of its contents in a dictionary.


file : str
full name of adas208 partial adf10 file.


fulldata : dict
contents of the adf10 file
    'iz0'       :  nuclear charge
    'iz1'       :  ion charge
    'class'     :  type of adf10 file
    'nmet'      :  number of metastables
    'name_ind1' :  names of first index
    'index_1'   :  values of first index
    'name_ind2' :  names of second index
    'index_2'   :  values of second index
    'te'        :  temperature (eV)
    'dens'      :  density (cm**-3)
    'data'      :  coefficient
                    1st dim: metastable
                    2nd    : temperature
                    3rd    : density
    'comments'  :  comments in adf10 file
    'file'      :  name of adf10 file


The name of the index depends on the type of adf10 file,

        class    (indices 1 and 2)  units
        ----       ----     ----    -----
        acd        iprt     igrd    cm3/s
        scd        iprt     igrd    cm3/s
        ccd        iprt     igrd    cm3/s
        qcd        igrd     jgrd    cm3/s
        xcd        iprt     jprt    cm3/s
        prb        iprt             W cm3
        prc        iprt             W cm3
        plt        igrd             W cm3
        met        igrd               -

Only reads the variant of adf10 output from adas208, usually named acd208.pass, met208.pass etc. and not the isoelectronic sequence adf10 files in central ADAS.

This is a pure python routine.


The partial adf10 file is related to usual adf10:

Version History

  • Martin O'Mullane, 19-11-2019

    • First version
  • Martin O'Mullane, 07-10-2020

    • Update reading nmet in type b files for extended ic-GCR size
    • For adf10 where index_2 is not meaningful return an array of '-1', the same length as index_1, rather than a single -1
    • prb files are type b, not type a


First run adas208 for He0 with 2 metastables selected.

>>> import adas as adas
>>> file='acd208.pass'
>>> res = adas.xxdata_10(file=file)
>>> res['name_ind1'], res['name_ind1']
('iprt', 'iprt')
>>> res['index_1'], res['index_2']
(array([1, 1]), array([1, 2]))