Function adas.xxdata_21

def xxdata_21(file=None)

Reads an adf21 beam stopping coefficient (BMS) file and returns all of its contents in a dictionary.


file : str
full name of ADAS adf21 file


fulldata : dict
contents of the adf21 file
    'file'    :  filename
    'itz'     :  target ion charge.
    'tsym'    :  target ion element symbol.
    'beref'   :  reference beam energy (eV/amu).
    'tdref'   :  reference target density (cm-3).
    'ttref'   :  reference target temperature (eV).
    'svref'   :  stopping coefficient at reference
                 beam energy, target density and
                 temperature (cm3 s-1).
    'be'      :  beam energies(eV/amu).
    'tdens'   :  target densities(cm-3).
    'ttemp'   :  target temperatures (eV).
    'svt'     :  stopping coefficient at reference beam
                 energy and target density (cm3 s-1)
    'sved'    :  stopping coefficient at reference target
                 temperature (cm3 s-1).
                   1st dimension : beam energy
                   2nd dimension : density


Calls a fortran based shared object file - not pure python.

The adf22 beam emission (BME) and fractional population (BMP) files have the same format and this routine can be used to read these as well, although is also in the ADAS library.


ADAS manual description of adf21:

Version History

  • Martin O'Mullane, 20-11-2012

    • First version
  • Martin O'Mullane, 17-04-2019

    • Do not cut off the last element of each array in fulldata.
  • Martin O'Mullane, 12-08-2020

    • Return tsym as a string rather than a bytes object.


>>> import adas as adas
>>> file='/home/adas/adas/adf21/bms10#h/bms10#h_h1.dat'
>>> fulldata = adas.xxdata_21(file)
>>> fulldata['be']
array([  5000.,  10000.,  15000.,  20000.,  25000.,  30000.,  35000.,
        40000.,  45000.,  50000.,  55000.,  60000.,  65000.,  70000.,
        75000.,  80000.,  85000.,  90000.,  95000., 100000., 105000.,
       110000., 115000., 120000., 125000.])
>>> fulldata['tdens'][10]
>>> fulldata['sved'][:, 10]
array([1.266e-07, 1.293e-07, 1.284e-07, 1.261e-07, 1.231e-07, 1.198e-07,
       1.164e-07, 1.128e-07, 1.094e-07, 1.061e-07, 1.031e-07, 1.004e-07,
       9.802e-08, 9.592e-08, 9.411e-08, 9.256e-08, 9.117e-08, 8.996e-08,
       8.887e-08, 8.788e-08, 8.697e-08, 8.612e-08, 8.533e-08, 8.460e-08,