Function adas.xxdata_22

def xxdata_22(file=None)

Reads an adf22 beam emission (BME) or fractional population (BMP) file and returns all of its contents in a dictionary.


file : str
full name of ADAS adf22 file


fulldata : dict
contents of the adf22 file
    'file'    :  filename
    'itz'     :  target ion charge.
    'tsym'    :  target ion element symbol.
    'beref'   :  reference beam energy (eV/amu).
    'tdref'   :  reference target density (cm-3).
    'ttref'   :  reference target temperature (eV).
    'svref'   :  bme or bmp coefficient at reference
                 beam energy, target density and
                 temperature (cm3 s-1).
    'be'      :  beam energies(eV/amu).
    'tdens'   :  target densities(cm-3).
    'ttemp'   :  target temperatures (eV).
    'svt'     :  bme or bmp coefficient at reference beam
                 energy and target density (cm3 s-1)
    'sved'    :  bme or bmp coefficient at reference target
                 temperature (cm3 s-1).
                   1st dimension : beam energy
                   2nd dimension : density


Calls a fortran based shared object file - not pure python.

Because the adf22 files have the same format as the adf21 beam stopping coefficients the xxdata_21 shared object is used to read the data.


ADAS manual description of adf22:

Version History

  • Martin O'Mullane, 17-01-2020
    • First version


Fractional population of n=3 level in the beam due to collisions with C6+ plasma impurity.

>>> import adas as adas
>>> file='/home/adas/adas/adf22/bmp97#h/bmp97#h_3_c6.dat'
>>> fulldata = adas.xxdata_22(file)
>>> fulldata['be']
array([  5000.,  10000.,  15000.,  20000.,  25000.,  30000.,  35000.,
        40000.,  45000.,  50000.,  55000.,  60000.,  65000.,  70000.,
        75000.,  80000.,  85000.,  90000.,  95000., 100000., 105000.,
       110000., 115000., 120000., 125000.])
>>> fulldata['tdens'][8]
>>> fulldata['sved'][:, 8]
array([0.0001733, 0.0001651, 0.0001826, 0.0001991, 0.0002175, 0.0002387,
       0.0002644, 0.0002944, 0.0003261, 0.0003582, 0.00039  , 0.0004212,
       0.0004527, 0.000485 , 0.0005179, 0.0005508, 0.0005833, 0.0006142,
       0.0006428, 0.0006699, 0.0006968, 0.0007236, 0.0007505, 0.0007773,
       0.000804 ])