Function adas.xxdata_40

def xxdata_40(file=None)

Reads an adf40 feature photon emissivity coefficient (fPEC) file and returns all of its contents in a dictionary.


file : str
full name of ADAS adf40 file


fulldata : dict
contents of the adf40 file
    'esym'        : element (string)
    'iz0'         : atomic number
    'iz'          : ion charge
    'iz1'         : recombined ion charge
    'nblock'      : number of blocks, or fpecs
    'npix'        : number of pixels for each block (array)
    'wave_min'    : minimum wavelength (A) for each block (array)
    'wave_max'    : maximum wavelength (A) for each block (array)
    'nte'         : number of temperatures for each block (array)
    'te'          : electron temperatures (eV)
                      array(max no. te, no. blocks)
    'ndens'       : number of densities for each block (array)
    'dens'        : electron density (cm**-3)
                      array(max no. dens, no. blocks)
    'fpec'        : feature photon emissivities (ph cm**3 s**-1)
                      array(pixel, te, dens, blocks)
    'type'        : excitation type
    'comments'    : array holding the comments
    'filename'    : name of adf40 file


Calls a fortran based shared object file - not pure python.


ADAS manual description of adf40:

Version History

  • Martin O'Mullane, 30-07-2018

    • First version
  • Martin O'Mullane, 01-08-2018

    • Allow up to 132 characters for filename.
    • Correct the comment array.
  • Martin O'Mullane, 10-08-2018

    • nte and ndens in fulldata were short by 1.


An EEDF of the JET SOL from a kinetic code.

>>> import adas as adas
>>> file='/home/adas/adas/adf40/JET_SOL_example.dat'
>>> fulldata = adas.xxdata_40(file)
>>> fulldata['wave_min'], fulldata['wave_max'], fulldata['npix']
(array([ 1., 10.,  1.]),
 array([   10.,   100., 10000.]),
 array([128, 128, 512], dtype=int32))
>>>  block=1
>>>  fulldata['te'][8, block], fulldata['dens'][3, block]
(3650.0, 10000000000000.0)
>>>  fulldata['fpec'][0:fulldata['npix'][1]:10, 8, 3, block]
array([4.34e-15, 4.08e-12, 6.92e-13, 1.02e-12, 1.81e-15, 3.11e-13,
       7.21e-16, 7.36e-14, 5.04e-13, 2.54e-12, 1.66e-14, 8.25e-15,