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22-August-2024: Problems with OPEN-ADAS website resolved

The OPEN-ADAS website was temporarily unavailable due to machine and network maintenance between 16-21 August 2024. We hope this did not cause too much inconvenience.

08-April-2024: Documentation updates

A note on the definitions and how ADAS stores collision strengths and effective collision strengths for electron and ion impact is here.

There are a number of new functions documented in the python library.

17-November-2023: 2023 Workshop

Updated details and draft agenda are available from here.

06-October-2023: 2023 Workshop

The 2023 workshop will be in Glasgow. This is our first time hosting it at home since 2001 and it feels like a good place to re-boot it after the pandemic cancellations. Unlike the earlier workshops, it will be held on-campus at the University of Strathclyde but this is in the heart of Glasgow which has its own attractions. Details available from here.

January-2023: Original ADAS-EU website serving adult content

We are aware that the original url for the ADAS-EU project has been taken over and is serving unpleasant content. If you wish to see, or link to the ADAS-EU materials, please use the copy of the site available here.

All links on this site and on OPEN-ADAS point to the copy.

01-January-2021: ADAS-EU website disappearance

One consequence of the UK leaving the EU is that UK entities may no longer register .eu web addresses. Therefore the record of the ADAS for fusion project, a Euratom Framework 7 Support Action, is no longer available at We have made a copy of the site available here until some solution is found. >>>>>>> 1.90

29-August-2020: OPEN-ADAS website outage

The OPEN-ADAS website will be offline from Saturday evening (29-Aug) to Monday morning (31-Aug) due to building maintenance.

07-July-2020: Documentation on the python library

The ADAS python library is growing in size, and although not yet comparable in size and coverage to the IDL and fortran libraries, an all-python workflow is possilbe for quite a number of tasks. The documentation is here.

The 2020 ADAS workshop will be a virtual event this year, probably in October.

21-December-2018: 2018 Workshop

The talks for the 2018 workshop will appear here with the author's permission. The vensue for the 2019 workshop is under discussion with a strong possibility of being held in central Europe.

06-December-2018: Updated 2018 Workshop agenda

An updated agenda for the workshop is available here.

30-November-2018: 2018 Workshop Draft agenda

A draft agenda for the workshop is available here.

There are a few "to be confirmed" and some new speakers anticipated. As usual the meeting is a workshop so late changes are welcomed.

On Wednesday 12th December Stuart Loch will give a presentation at Forschungszentrum Jülich which may be of interest to the workshop participants. It is on "Plasma spectral diagnostics for applications in fusion, astrophysical, and low temperature laboratory environments" and an abstract is here.

There will be transport, either by car or mini-bus, from the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef on Wednesday morning. Please let us know by email, or at the start of the workshop, if you would like to attend.

31-August-2018: 2018 Workshop in Germany

The 2018 workshop will be hosted by the Institute of Energy and Climate Research (IEK-4) of Forschungszentrum Jülich FZJ. The change of date from September to December proved to be a success this year so we are aiming for a similar time next year. Details available from here.

30-November-2017: 2017 Workshop Draft agenda

A draft agenda for the workshop is available here.

There are a few "to be confirmed" titles but we will add updates when the speakers let us know. We would like to emphasize that the meeting is a workshop so such late changes are encouraged.

25-September-2017: 2017 Workshop Details updated

More details on this year's workshop in Abingdon are here.

27-August-2016: 2016 Workshop Details updated

Practical details on this year's workshop in Korea are here.

13-November-2015: 2015 Workshop Talks available

A number of presentations from the 2015 workshop can be found here.

14-September-2015: Draft agenda for Workshop

The draft agenda for this years' workshop is now available. As usual there will be an opportunity to adjust it prior to and during the meeting.

14-August-2015: Venue and accommodation details for Workshop

Details on the venue, hotel accommodation and organization of this year's workshop are here.

29-July-2015: ADAS-EU project highlighted on Horizon 2020 website

The story of the ADAS-EU project has been published on the Horizon 2020 website. The press release is here.

June-2015: PhD studentship at University of Strathclyde

We have a CASE studentship for a PhD student to participate in diagnostic analysis at the MAST-Upgrade fusion device, under construction at the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy (CCFE). The student will investigate mechanisms related to particle and power exhaust with a novel Super-X divertor using sophisticated diagnostics to explore the complex interaction between the plasma, solid surfaces, atoms and molecules in the divertor region.

More details can be found here.

05-March-2015: Workshop to be held in Catania

This year the annual ADAS workshop will be hosted by INAF — Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania on 1–2 October. Please mark these dates in your diaries.

02-January-2015: New ADAS post-doc

We are pleased to announce that Stuart Henderson has joined the ADAS team as post-doctoral researcher.

08-November-2014: Recruitment

We have a two year, fixed-term, post-doc position available which would suit a candidate with a strong atomic physics, impurity transport modelling and programming background. For the application procedure see the Vacancies section on the University of Strathclyde website with specific details about the post here.

08-November-2014: 2014 Workshop Talks available

A number of presentations from the 2014 workshop can be found here.

26-September-2014: 2014 Workshop Agenda

The final agenda for this years' workshop is now available. There will still be an opportunity to adjust it during the meeting.

09-September-2014: 2014 Workshop Agenda

The draft agenda for this years' workshop is now available. Note that, as usual, this will be adjusted by the time of the meeting. If you wish to give a presentation at the workshop, please contact us.

20-August-2014: Post-doc position at University of Kentucky

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral research position at the University of Kentucky, which will include extensive collaboration with UK universities. The work will focus on the formation of emission lines in a wide range of astronomical objects, including Active Galactic Nuclei, Starburst galaxies, optical filaments in cool-core galaxy clusters, H II regions, and planetary nebulae.

More information and application details are here.

31-July-2014: Workshop hotel details

The venue for the workshop is no longer a Hyatt hotel because of a change of management. There is no impact on the workshop, the location and arrangements remain the same but the Hyatt website no longer shows this hotel. Reservation details are here.

13-May-2014: Application closed

Applications for the post-doc position have been received and no further applications will be accepted.

15-April-2014: Post-doc position in atomic physics at University of Strathclyde

A post-doctoral research associate position, based in the Department of Physics at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, is available for up to 3 years to work on theoretical and computational studies of atomic processes of particular relevance to magnetic fusion plasmas. The main topic is dielectronic recombination of the tungsten isonuclear sequence for ADAS modelling of the tungsten ionization balance at JET and ITER. Details and contact information are here or here. The application closing date is 11-May-2014.

17-March-2014: 2014 ADAS Workshop

Narodowe Centrum Badań Jądrowych will host the 2014 edition of the workshop to be held at the HYATT REGENCY Hotel in Warsaw, Poland. The dates are 28-30 September. The first announcement has been sent out and full details are here.

23-October-2013: ADAS-EU Training Courses

The special Workshop/Advanced Training Courses in Europe have taken place at MPG-IPP Garching, Germany 9-10 September, at ITER/CEA Cadarache, France 18-20 September and at the JET Facility, Culham Laboratory, UK 30 September – 3 October. The extended meeting at the JET Facility included introductory presentations and final discussions marking the conclusion of the ADAS-EU Project.

22-October-2013: Talks of the 2013 workshop

The talks for the 2013 workshop are here.

24-July-2013: 2013 ADAS Workshop – a missing r in the hotel email address

The email address to reserve a hotel room had a missing letter. The correct address is . The reserved rate is available until 1st of August.

03-June-2013: 2013 ADAS Workshop

Forschungszentrum Jülich will host the 2013 edition of the workshop to be held at the AVENDI Hotel in Bad Honnef, near Bonn, in Germany. The dates are 1-3 September. The first announcement has been sent out and full details are here.

03-June-2013: ADAS-EU Training Courses

The first of the ADAS-EU training courses has taken place at ASIPP, Hefei, China. The next one will be hosted at NIFS, Toki-city, Gifu, Japan during the week June 17-21, followed by a course at NFRI, Daegeon, Korea 22-26 July. Further courses are scheduled in Europe and details will be announced later.

22-September-2012: 2012 ADAS workshop

The agenda for the workshop is ready and can be seen here.

Places on the ADAS-EU training course, immediately following the workshop, are still available. For information please look here.

7-July-2012: 2012 ADAS workshop

Details and registration for the 2012 ADAS workshop, to be held in Cadarache between 23–25 September, are here.

23-April-2012: ADAS in the news

ADAS has been highlighted in two international, general circulation newsletters.

The EFDA Fusion in Europe newsletter which is distributed to policy makers throughout the political, fusion and industrial sectors.

Also in the IAEA Nuclear Data Newsletter which has a world-wide circulation.

23-January-2012: Post-doc position in atomic physics at University of Strathclyde

A post-doctoral research fellow position, based in the Department of Physics at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, is available for up to 3 years to work on theoretical studies of atomic collision processes of particular relevance to astrophysics. Preliminary details and contact information are here.

06-January-2012: ADAS-EU training course in Padua, 26–30 March

The next ADAS-EU training course will be hosted by Consorzio RFX in Padua, Italy next March. This is a week long intensive course on using ADAS. Full details at the ADAS-EU website.

08-November-2011: The 2012 Workshop will be hosted by CEA

The dates for your diary are 23–25 September 2012 and the meeting will be held at the chateau in Cadarache.

Further information will be updated here.

02-October-2011: Update to workshop agenda

There are some minor changes to the agenda. See here for details.

20-September-2011: 2011 Workshop Agenda

The agenda for this years' workshop is now available. As usual this may be adjusted a little by the time of the meeting.

A reminder that the conference rate for the hotel booking is available until Thursday and can be requested via the hotel website. Full details on the 2011 workshop page.

07-August-2011: 2011 Workshop

Organizational details of the 2011 workshop, to be held at Auburn University, Alabama, USA, have been circulated by email and are also on the website.

A 4 day training course will take place immediately after the workshop. Note that we will also hold an ADAS-EU training course in Europe towards the end of the year.

05-August-2011: New ADAS post-doc in place

We are pleased to announce that Alessandra Giunta has been appointed to a post-doc position starting immediately.

14-June-2011: Recruitment

We have a two year, fixed-term, post-doc position available which would suit a candidate with a strong atomic physics background and a desire to apply this expertise in support of the European magnetic confinement fusion research programme in addition to electron-excited and photo-excited plasmas in astrophysics. For the application procedure see the Vacancies section on the University of Strathclyde website with specific details about the post here.

13-June-2011: Two new PhD theses on web site

Chris Nicholas and Alessandra Giunta recently completed their doctoral studies. Alessandra's thesis on the spectral analysis of the solar atmosphere and Chris' thesis on fitting special features can be found here.

07-February-2011: The 2011 Workshop will be hosted by Auburn University

Further information will be updated here

07-February-2011: Talks from the 2010 Workshop are available

Copies of most of the 2010 talks are available here

29-September-2010: Workshop agenda has been updated

Current version here.

17-September-2010: Latest version of the 2010 Workshop agenda

An update to the agenda is available here.

03-September-2010: Workshop 2010 agenda

The agenda for the ADAS Workshop 2010 is available here. Practical details are here.

02-June-2010: ADAS Course at Auburn University, Alabama, USA

An ADAS course, similar to the annual ADAS-EU training course, will be hosted by Auburn University between 6–9 July. Registration details and a schedule are here. Contact Stuart Loch at Auburn if you wish to attend..

06-April-2010: Workshop 2010 announcement

The initial invitation letters for the ADAS Workshop 2010 and the ADAS-EU course 2010 are being sent out. More details can be found here.

01-February-2010: Second ADAS-EU post-doc in place

We are pleased to announce that Luis Fernández Menchero is now working at the Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, Garching as an ADAS-EU post-doc.

13-November-2009: Applications closed

Applications for the ADAS-EU position have been received and no further applications will be accepted. Candidates will be informed in due course about the decision.

21-October-2009: Recruitment

We are recruiting a new member of staff as part of ADAS-EU; further details are available on the dedicated ADAS-EU website here. The position will be based at IPP-Garching and will run until 31-December-2012.

21-October-2009: Workshop Talks online

Talks from the latest ADAS workshop are available here.

21-August-2009: Workshop Agenda

A tentative agenda for the 2009 ADAS Workshop has been released, it is available here.

1-July-2009: Francisco Guzmán

We are pleased to announced that Francisco Guzmán has taken up post as an ADAS-EU Research Fellow, initially based at FZ-Jülich. More details about ADAS-EU can be found here and more details about Francisco are here.

17-June-2009: Workshop 2009 announcement

The initial invitation letters for the ADAS Workshop 2009 and the ADAS-EU course 2009 have been sent out. More details can be found here.

10-June-2009: Direct CVS Access

We are pleased to announce that we now allow CVS access to allow users to download ADAS code via CVS: virtual repositories have been created for specific tasks and these give full access to CVS histories and logs. The system is available here. Please e-mail us or put in a support request for an account.

13-March-2009: Applications closed

Applications for the ADAS-EU positions have been received and no further applications will be accepted. Candidates will be informed in due course about the decision.

12-February-2009: Recruitment

ADAS is recruiting two new members of staff as part of ADAS-EU, further details are available on the dedicated ADAS-EU website here.

12-February-2009: ADAS-EU Website

The ADAS-EU website has been officially launched, it is available here.

5-Janaury-2009: ADAS Workshop 2009

The data and time of the 2009 ADAS Workshop have been announced. The workshop will be at Schloss Ringberg in Germany from 4 Oct to 7 Oct 2009. More details can be found here.

18-December-2008: ADAS V2.13 Released

ADAS V2.13 is currently in the process of being released to all sites.
The corresponding bulletin is available here.

9-December-2008: ADAS-EU signed

We are pleased to announce that the ADAS-EU ("ADAS for Fusion in Europe") contract was signed on 5 December and the project will commence on 1 January 2009. ADAS-EU, is a Support Action, funded under the Framework 7 Programme of the European Commission, designed to enhance on-site atomic physics support to fusion laboratories across Europe and as a European contribution to ITER. It will be a four-year complementary activity to ADAS, managed by the ADAS team and employing three extra full-time equivalent persons.

8-December-2008: Adam Foster's PhD thesis

Adam Foster's PhD thesis is now available from the ADAS website here.

23-October-2008: Adam Foster

(Dr!) Adam Foster passed his PhD viva examination. Some very minor corrections need to be made to his thesis then it will appear on the ADAS website.

30-July-2008: OPEN-ADAS launch

The OPEN-ADAS system has been made public, the system can be accessed here.

4-June-2008: New ADAS domain

ADAS will now be using the domain "". This means our website URL is now Future services like OPEN-ADAS and direct CVS access will also make use of this new domain.

3-April-2008: ADAS Workshop 2008

The data and time of the 2008 ADAS Workshop have been announced. The workshop will be at the Forschungszentrum Jülich in Germany from 29 Sept to 2 Oct 2008. More details can be found here.

14-March-2008: New linking document

A new guide has been prepared detailing how to link ADAS subroutines with programs written in Fortran, C and C++. It is available here.

3-March-2008: Guiyun Liang started

Guiyun Liang has started his position at Strathclyde working with Nigel Badnell on the large-scale production of atomic data. We expect to work closely with Guiyun in the calculation and dissemination of this data. Guiyun is funded by a PPARC grant awarded to the UK APAP network, more details can be found here.

19-December-2007: ADAS online support form

An online support and bug reporting system is now available on the ADAS webpage here. This form is integrated with our internal bug tracking system and we recommend using this for all bug reports or ADAS support requests.

23-October-2007: ADAS Workshop talks available

The 2007 ADAS Workshop was judged to be a success with many talks and interesting discussions, PDFs of all the talks are available here.

07-October-2007: ADAS V2.12 Released

ADAS V2.12 is currently in the process of being released to all sites.
The corresponding bulletin is available here.

01-October-2007: Applications closed

Applications are closed for the position with Nigel Badnell.

21-August-2007: Postdoctoral position at Strathclyde

A postdoctoral position is available at Strathclyde working with Nigel Badnell on R-matrix calculations in conjunction with other institutions across the UK. While not an ADAS post, it is expected that a close working relationship with the core ADAS team will result.

15-August-2007: Subroutine documentation

Headers for all the FORTRAN subroutines in the ADAS libraries are now online here and also appear in Appendix B of the manual along with usage instructions.

27-July-2007: First invitations to ADAS Workshop

The first invitations have been sent out for the ADAS Workshop, copies can be found here.

20-July-2007: F-like iso-electronic sequence

The first of the publications on doing R-matrix calculations across an iso-electronic sequence (making use of the automated code ADAS8#3) has been published:
"R-matrix electron-impact excitation calculations along the F-like iso-electronic sequence"
M C Witthoeft, A D Whiteford and N R Badnell
An abstract and PDF can be found here.

04-May-2007: Change of ADAS workshop date

The date of the ADAS workshop has been changed to 10 Oct - 12 Oct 2007. See here for more details.

28-Mar-2007: Succesful divertor experiment

A highly succesful experiment led by Sebastijan Brezinsek and Andy Meigs in conjuction with ADAS (Chris Nicholas and Allan Whiteford) was conducted at JET. Of particular interest to ADAS are the visible deuterium series spectra recorded which will form part of Chris Nicholas's PhD work.

14-Mar-2007: Partitioned data ready

Hugh Summers has passed over some of the new partitioned ADF11 data and subroutines to transport modellers for initial testing, after feedback and comment this will be released with ADAS for general use

5-Mar-2007: Neutral Boron Publication

"Electron-impact excitation of neutral boron using the R-matrix with the pseudostates method"
C P Ballance, D C Griffin, K A Berrington and N R Badnell
An abstract and PDF can be found here.

26-Jan-2007: GCR Paper I in top 25 downloads

The Institute of Physics has just released the list of top 25 downloads for 2006. GCR Paper I: `Ionization state, excited populations and emission of impurities in dynamic finite density plasmas: I. The generalized collisional-radiative model for light elements' is among these papers. This paper describes much of the light element work contained in ADAS. The complete list can be found here.

15-Jan-2007: New Website

The layout and content of the ADAS Website have been revised.

9-Jan-2007: Alessandra Giunta

Alessandra Giunta has started her PhD at Strathclyde. She was working with Alessandro Lanzafame on CDS spectra prior to this and will continue to focus on Astrophysics (particularly SOHO/CDS) and will also be working closely on data for iron. She will spend the first six months of her PhD based at Strathclyde and the remaining 2.5 years based at RAL.

12-Dec-2006: ADAS Workshop Talks Available

The presentations given at the 2006 ADAS Workshop are available here.

01-Oct-2006: Christopher Nicholas

Christopher Nicholas has started his PhD at Strathclyde. He will be working on special feature analysis with specific development work on the Balmer series limit feature. He will be based at Strathclyde but will make frequent visits to JET/UKAEA.

01-Sep-2006: ADAS V2.11 Released

ADAS V2.11 has been released to all sites.
The corresponding bulletin is available here.

01-Dec-2005: ADAS V2.10 Released

ADAS V2.10 has been released to all sites.
The corresponding bulletin is available here.

06-Jun-2005: ADAS V2.9 Released

ADAS V2.9 has been released to all sites.
The corresponding bulletin is available here.

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