Euroatom FP7


Enhanced support is to be provided in atomic data and analysis for fusion laboratories in Europe and for ITER under a four year Euratom Framework 7 Support Action.

ADAS-EU is a support activity for implementation of atomic data in plasma diagnostics and modelling at fusion laboratories throughout Europe, for management of databases of relevant fundamental and applied data and for promotion of key fundamental atomic data calculation and measurement. It will enable improved effectiveness of analysis of existing fusion experiments and prepare for ITER.

The primary scientific objectives are provision of analysis tools and necessary atomic/molecular data for spectroscopy and broadband radiation detection at all wavelengths in all plasma regions. Provision of derived atomic/molecular data for plasma models, including passive emission, near surface emitters, beams, beam penetrated plasma, field disturbed atoms and ions, electron distribution functions, fast particles, slowing down particle distributions and beam calibration.

Laboratory Partners

ADAS-EU will work with all Euratom Fusion Laboratories and will place dedicated research fellows for extended periods at the following locations:

as well as maintaining a dedicated presence at:

A number of specialists will also be engaged to perform bespoke atomic data calculations and measurements.

ADAS-EU has six main scientific themes:

About ADAS

The Atomic Data and Analysis Structure (ADAS) is an interconnected set of computer codes and data collections for modelling the radiating properties of ions and atoms in plasmas. It can address plasmas ranging from the interstellar medium through the solar atmosphere and laboratory thermonuclear fusion devices to technological plasmas. ADAS assists in the analysis and interpretation of spectral emission and supports detailed plasma models.

There are four main components of ADAS:
  1. A graphical interactive system which allows immediate calculation and display of the derived quantities, such as effective recombination coefficients and photon emissivity coefficients, which are used in practice to interpret plasmas. It includes pedagogical tools for exploring coefficient behaviour as a function of plasma parameters and an ability to create tabulations of relevant data.
  2. A very large database of fundamental and derived atomic data. The OPEN-ADAS system allows for downloading of selected data from this database.
  3. ADAS includes extensive subroutine libraries. These include utilities which range from basic atomic calculations such as Gaunt factor generation to ionisation equilibria evaluation. They also include a key range of routines for accessing the database and delivering data to user codes. FORTRAN, C, C++, IDL and MATLAB are supported.
  4. ADAS includes a substantial capability for calculation of fundamental atomic data such as energies, transition probabilities, Auger rates and electron impact collision cross sections.

ADAS data and ADAS-generated data are incorporated in many plasma modelling codes such as B2-IRENE, CHEAP, DIVIMP, EDGE2D, SANCO and STRAHL and analyses such as differential emission measure.

ADAS is managed by the University of Strathclyde.

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