Euroatom FP7

Diatomic Spectra and Collisional-Radiative Models

The theme will extend ADAS-EU support into the observable diatomic part of fusion spectra and the associated diatomic population modelling. The work packages emphasis the consolidation and support of H2 vibronic population models and their links to H population models and emission. ADAS-EU will bring special expertise to bear on the underlying molecular databases for such systems. It will deliver analysis methodology and support spectral fitting /analysis at the highest precision levels.

Workpackage WP17: Create H2 database

Transcription of the hydrogen molecular collisional database, developed by Janev and others at FZ Juelich from a tabular fit parameters to ADAS formats for long term ADAS maintenance. Conversion will be managed for ADAS-EU by Prof. Janev.

Workpackage WP18: Embed H2/H c-r models

Deliver a composite model for the population structure and collisional-radiative coefficients within and between the hydrogen molecular and atomic species. The model will incorporate the H2 vibronic p/q space time constant separation model developed at FZ Juelich by Greenland and a generalised collisional-radiative model for H. The implementation will be overseen by Prof. Janev.

Workpackage WP19: Enable H2/H isotopomer spectral features

Enable generation/prediction of the H2 /H (and isotopomer) spectral emission on wavelength intervals, including LTE rotational band structure at precision wavelengths. Incorporate in the framework of ADAS special features and spectral fitting. This implementation will be overseen by Prof. Janev.

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