Euroatom FP7

ADAS-EU Training Courses

This intensive, 1–2 week, course was developed as part of the ADAS-EU project and is tailored to those requiring comprehensive and detailed knowledge of the ADAS Atomic Data and Analysis Structure, the atomic calculations associated with it and guidance on their embedding in fusion application.

Materials for courses delivered during ADAS-EU

  • The inaugural ADAS-EU course was held at IPP Garching (October, 2009). Course material, lectures, tutorial sheets and problem sets, are here.
  • The second ADAS-EU course took place at JET (November, 2010). Course materials here.
  • A shortened version at ITER (December, 2010).
  • The third ADAS-EU course took place at Consorzio RFX (March, 2012). Course materials here.
  • The fourth ADAS-EU course took place at CEA Cadarache (October, 2012). Course materials here.

2013 Extended training Courses

As part of the 2013 time extension of the project a new set of 3-day courses was developed. This differed in presentation, comprising of a set of lectures supported by interactive demonstrations. This was presented at ASIPP China (May 2013), NIFS Japan (June 2013), NFRI Korea (July 2013), IPP Garching and CEA Cararache (September 2013). A final course was presented at EFDA-JET in October 2013.

  • 2013 Extended training lectures and demonstration scripts are here.

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